Tag Archives: plans

Take it Easy… Take it Easy!

Movies. Travel. Love. Life. Seven Weeks. For the past few days, I’ve been contemplating about these keywords in real life.

Take it Easy - Enjoy to the Fullest

Take it Easy – Enjoy to the Fullest

I’ve been chatting regularly with some close friends of mine whom I will call ‘Sizzy’ and ‘Badet’. Let me elaborate on what’s been bugging me lately that’s keeping me worried and anxious while in bed.

MOVIES – Last Sunday, I went to a big family reunion. I am impressed with the achievements of my relatives and it is good to know that some of them are known names in their respective fields. I saw some politicians, celebrities, chefs and a blogger named Mica (LOLWHUT). Family reunions never fail to amaze me and how I find it hard to talk and introduce myself to most of them. I am shy in real-life.

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Homecoming Jitters – Random Thoughts and Realizations

Three months in England. Wow. Is that for real? Yes, I am on my way to my third month in England and sadly, I am scheduled to leave soon. I am having mixed emotions right now. Remember my blog entry about my travel jitters prior to my trip here? Ironically, I am going through the same thing. Now I call it ‘Homecoming Jitters’.

Wishful Thinking

Some of my mom’s friends told me that I should not go here in United Kingdom on a Winter because of the weather. Guess what? They were right! My body is not used to the very, very, very cold weather and I needed to adjust asap. Now I know that Gloves, Boots, Scarfs and Warmers are not being used for fashion purposes only. It is a necessity. It is not even enough to keep your body warm especially last December. I ended up getting colds after playing with the snow when I was in Cardiff, Wales. I literally rolled on the snowed floor in a public park. That resulted to my home arrest for two weeks.

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Random Thoughts on the First Day of February

It’s February 2011! So what does that mean? The day of hearts is just around the corner. Lovers are already expected to do some plans just to show their love to their partners while the single ones (like me!) would rather consider February as the Single Awareness Month LOL πŸ˜›

Let's Get Love Drunk! It's February!

I don’t have any intentions of joining the Love Post bandwagon (ok, i’m lying then Haha), but I would like to share some of my random thoughts about February or specifically, on LOVE.

1. NEVER HAD A ROMANTIC VALENTINES DATE. Yes, at age 23, i never really had that candlelit dinner in a fancy restaurant or anything intimate to begin with on the 14th of February. You’d see me either working, hanging out with friends or just at home chatting with my friends online. I am not sure if this year will be a different one, but i am hoping. I am not expecting, but i am hoping. Expecting and Hoping are two different words, but i find it hard to differentiate them in a wider manner. Get me? No? K.

2. PROM DAY IN HIGH SCHOOL IS… not worth remembering either. Ok, it is worth remembering in a way. During our JS PROM when we were in ThirdYear, I couldn’t really remember who my first dance was. I can remember the last dance though since he was one of the most admired guys in school. He is a tall, chinito charmer who is also a gentleman. He ended up as my last dance partner because we swapped from another couple. I don’t want to elaborate LOL. The last prom night is quite special because most of my ‘adings’ from the Junior batch really approached me and danced with me. My last dance turned out to be my crush hehe. I ended up removing my shoes because i’m taller than him. I wanted to savour that moment so yes, i danced while holding my shoes πŸ˜› It is a moment worth turning into a short film.

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