It’s January 1, 2012 already and I just came from the rooftop of the place where I am staying now. The inner kid in me enjoyed the colorful fireworks display and I even started a few chats with some of our neighbors. It’s funny how many people can live in one building yet they don’t really interact.

I Survived 2011!
Yesterday afternoon, I met up with two travel bloggers and accompany them look for some items in a nearby shopping place. It’s been months since I entered the tiangge area. I am not really a shopaholic and I don’t buy clothes and shoes not unless I really need it. I guess I’m just a lazy shopper and I would rather wear comfy clothes that exert extra effort to look good. Is that a good thing? I think not.
I talked to my mom via Skype and I truly miss my family and friends in the UK. Last NYE, we made noise by singing loud OPM songs via thru the Magic Sing.I think every OFW owns one to ease their homesickness and it does help!
If 2010 is the year of travel for me, I can say that 2011 is one  rollercoaster ride. I experienced some uncertainties emotionally and financially, although these are not really problems if you take a look at it in a bigger picture. Sometimes, overanalyzing things can drive you crazy. Also, ‘Too Much of something is bad enough’, no matter how good (or bad) your intentions are. Sometimes, you need to take risks, sacrifices and let go. Learn to step back and try to see where all of these are headed to.
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