Category Archives: Beauty


Taking care of yourself has many different aspects. And one of the necessary things one must do is take care of your outer self to be able to take care of your inner self.

A brand that you can trust when it comes to giving yourself some love is Human Heart Nature.

Human Heart Nature is a brand known to have products that is trusted by millions worldwide. I discovered it by accident four years ago when I accompanied a friend of mine to buy some items for her baby in the then newly-opened Dagupan branch.

I am sharing some of my top favorite HHN products and which ones you think you need to give yourself some self-love.

  1. Human Heart Nature Sunflower Oil

Human Heart Nature’s Sunflower Oil – the most popular product

It is the all-around oil that helps moisturize, nourish and brighten your skin using different vitamins (A, D, & E) which can help keep your skin glowing and healthy. It has massive benefits for any skin type. Meanwhile, if you’re having some issues with your skin lately, a product like that scalp serum can be ordered online.

I personally use this for my nails (after removing nail polish), dry skin and when I am having mild skin irritations. Transform your nail care routine with the vibrant hues and lasting brilliance of Glitterbels gel polish.

  1. SafeProtect SPF30 Sunscreen

SafeProtect SPF30 Sunscreen

Worried about how to protect your skin from this harsh heat? Human heart nature’s sunscreen is your perfect armor to battle out the extreme heat this summer. It can also help moisturize your skin at the same time.

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Product Review: ProActiv’s 30-Day Trial Kit

One of my frustrations as a teenager is Acne. I think majority of high school students experienced a moment in their lives wherein they try to find ways to get rid of pimples and acne as fast as possible. There is a myth spreading around that having pimples is a sign that one person is in love. I am not sure if they invented this just to tell the youngters that they’re going through a normal phase, but this skin problem can also ruin one’s self-esteem – whether he/she is in love or not!

Justin Bieber endorses ProActiv. U betta Belieber!
Justin Bieber endorses ProActiv. U betta Belieber!

Unlike most girls, I never really exerted that much effort to work on this problem. I even worked once in a medical clinic that specializes in skin problems, and my short stay in that company opened my eyes to the possibilities. I guess I am not as driven as other girls in that department. I also find it dragging at times to put lotion in my body, much to my mother’s dismay.

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Lessons Learned from Drag Queens

‘WHAT?! You have a big crush on a drag queen? That’s the weirdest statement I’ve ever heard in years!”

If a female friend of mine confessed her addiction on drag queens years ago, I’ll instantly give her a strange look. Do you have a serious problem in life that you don’t want me to know yet you can’t handle it? Tell me and I’ll listen. Let’s talk about boy bands instead.

Gurl, I ain't crazy! I Just love Manila Luzon and Elmo the Puppet | Photo by Mark Liddell

Gurl, I ain’t crazy! I Just love Manila Luzon and Elmo the Puppet | Photo by Mark Liddell

But no. Actually, my love for drag queens started when I discovered LOGOTV’s Rupaul’s Drag Race. They’re currently airing the 5th season in the US of A and I’m proud to say that a lot of Filipino drag queens made it to the show. The fun part there is they look so pretty with the make-up and glamorous clothes, yet they look equally hot when out of drag. My Top Three favorite queens from all five seasons include Manila Luzon, Willam Belli and Ivy Winters.

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