Tag Archives: maki eduardo

iBlog6: The Philippine Blogging Summit Aftermath

For the past years, I’ve been religiously attending the iBlog summits organized by the UP College of Law and Digital Filipino. Unfortunately, I only attended the Saturday afternoon session this year. This means that I missed some of the important talks (blame me for being a sleepyhead T_T)


At least I went still 😀 I entered the UP Malcolm Hall at 1:30PM. I saw Gee and Rommel, my PBBFG mates LOL.  I was able to catch Marck Rimorim aka Marocharim talk about Political Blogging in the Philippines. He gave a very nice talk wherein he emphasized on remembering the past, stating the present, planning for the future and going back to the past in writing blog entries related to the different issues in the Philippines.

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Bubbly Maki the Sushi turns 23!

I would like to take this opportunity to greet my online friend turned barkada Maria Kristina De Guzman Eduardo a.k.a. Maki a happy, happy birthday!

Just last year, Maki and the rest of the Nyokers got closer. I assume that the regular readers of her blog are aware of the fact that the year 2009 served as one of the most challenging years of her life. She is like a passenger in a rollercoaster ride – she can be very, very scared and angry. Later on, she is in her happiest mood.

Someone just turned 23 today!

Being Maki’s friend is not easy (LOLOLOL I kid :P). She can be unpredictable at times, but we understand her. Just late last year, she followed in Cebu and later on stayed on her own to take pictures and spend some ‘me’ time. When she got back, she wanted to do something relevant in her life. She wants to change into a stronger woman who is capable of dealing with problems coming her way – no matter how small or big that is. She wants to bring her old happy self back and she wants to push through with a career she loves. Wait, did i mention that she is also a sweet friend?

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Krrunch Time in Uniquely Singapore with Nuffnang!

It’s been almost a week since I and the rest of the Nuffnang PH bloggers left the country for Singapore to attend the first-ever Nuffnang Blog Awards. It was a very memorable and extraordinary experience for all of us and to be honest, I am still overwhelmed with the whole experience.

Nuffies as Cyborgs at Singapore Flyer

Nuffies as Cyborgs at Singapore Flyer

I never taught that this actually happened. I just feel so blessed that I was able to spend the weekend at Singapore with free airfare, accommodation and tour! Spending more quality with your friends in a foreign land and making friends with other people made it extra special.

Anyway, I have too many things in mind to blog about in relation to this trip. I am still stunned everytime a co-blogger tags our photos together. I want to write a blog entry about our day to day experience, but its not enough so for now, I’ll be showing you a short preview through photos grabbed from my marvelous and gorgeous photographer friends:

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