Tag Archives: jehzlau

PROJECT52WEEKS.COM – 52 Weeks, 52 Short Films

After acquiring my very own Panasonic DMC-LX3 as a Christmas gift to myself, I started my very own photoblog at Tumblr called LX3 Moments, wherein I will be posting one photo a day with a corresponding information about the photo. It is a known fact in the bloggers that photo hobbyist started with their own Project 365 Days.

Micamyx's Project52Weeks starts now!

Micamyx's Project52Weeks starts now!

Want to know the real reason why I chose the LX3 instead of buying another type of camera? I love it because it is handy, easy to use and I can possibly take HD clips. I am not a professional photographer. In fact, I don’t even plan to put watermarks on my photos (unless maybe if i am not as lazy as I am today). I simply want a good camera. That’s it.

Ok, enough of that 😛 Just last week, I mentioned to a friend that I am planning to start with my own online video blogging project. My aim for this one is to shoot at least one short film using my Panasonic DMC-LX3. I want it to be on-the-spot and spontaneous. I bought the domain right away and launched the site last Sunday 😛

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Krrunch Time in Uniquely Singapore with Nuffnang!

It’s been almost a week since I and the rest of the Nuffnang PH bloggers left the country for Singapore to attend the first-ever Nuffnang Blog Awards. It was a very memorable and extraordinary experience for all of us and to be honest, I am still overwhelmed with the whole experience.

Nuffies as Cyborgs at Singapore Flyer

Nuffies as Cyborgs at Singapore Flyer

I never taught that this actually happened. I just feel so blessed that I was able to spend the weekend at Singapore with free airfare, accommodation and tour! Spending more quality with your friends in a foreign land and making friends with other people made it extra special.

Anyway, I have too many things in mind to blog about in relation to this trip. I am still stunned everytime a co-blogger tags our photos together. I want to write a blog entry about our day to day experience, but its not enough so for now, I’ll be showing you a short preview through photos grabbed from my marvelous and gorgeous photographer friends:

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Why the Blogger Behind Jehzlau Concepts is Influential

And I don’t regret it.

I went out with him, Winston and Xef the other night to watch a movie. Before we went back to our respective homes, Jehz invited us to eat first. As expected, we ate a lot. I ended up eating two cups of rice and ate the leftovers (My appetite is kinda weird the past few days LOL). On our way home, Jehz and I were talking about the possibility of traveling once more just like what we did a few weeks ago with the rest of the Nyoks at Cebu. We also discussed about some blog projects and so on. As usual, his childish yet charming ways made me really smile. Seeing him happy makes me happy.

The Blue Stickman who is not really blue blogging beside me =P

The Blue Stickman who is not really blue blogging beside me =P

I went online as soon as I got home. Saw him online a few minutes after then he suddenly plurked about the email he received from a Nuffnang Philippines representative. According to the email, he is nominated for the Most Influential Blog Category. He can’t believe it but it’s true. He forwarded the said message to me and we were like little kids who kept on saying ‘waaaaaaaah’ waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah’ and more ‘waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah’ to each other.

I am not really sure on what was Nuffnang’s basis on choosing him as one of the nominees for the Most Influential Blog on their first ever awards night at Singapore, but let me share to you my own basis on why Jehz is really worth voting for and why he deserves to be the first ever Influential Blogger to be recognized by the rest of the Nuffnangers around the world.

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