Tag Archives: ada lajara

PROJECT52WEEKS.COM – 52 Weeks, 52 Short Films

After acquiring my very own Panasonic DMC-LX3 as a Christmas gift to myself, I started my very own photoblog at Tumblr called LX3 Moments, wherein I will be posting one photo a day with a corresponding information about the photo. It is a known fact in the bloggers that photo hobbyist started with their own Project 365 Days.

Micamyx's Project52Weeks starts now!

Micamyx's Project52Weeks starts now!

Want to know the real reason why I chose the LX3 instead of buying another type of camera? I love it because it is handy, easy to use and I can possibly take HD clips. I am not a professional photographer. In fact, I don’t even plan to put watermarks on my photos (unless maybe if i am not as lazy as I am today). I simply want a good camera. That’s it.

Ok, enough of that πŸ˜› Just last week, I mentioned to a friend that I am planning to start with my own online video blogging project. My aim for this one is to shoot at least one short film using my Panasonic DMC-LX3. I want it to be on-the-spot and spontaneous. I bought the domain right away and launched the site last Sunday πŸ˜›

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Krrunch Time in Uniquely Singapore with Nuffnang!

It’s been almost a week since I and the rest of the Nuffnang PH bloggers left the country for Singapore to attend the first-ever Nuffnang Blog Awards. It was a very memorable and extraordinary experience for all of us and to be honest, I am still overwhelmed with the whole experience.

Nuffies as Cyborgs at Singapore Flyer

Nuffies as Cyborgs at Singapore Flyer

I never taught that this actually happened. I just feel so blessed that I was able to spend the weekend at Singapore with free airfare, accommodation and tour! Spending more quality with your friends in a foreign land and making friends with other people made it extra special.

Anyway, I have too many things in mind to blog about in relation to this trip. I am still stunned everytime a co-blogger tags our photos together. I want to write a blog entry about our day to day experience, but its not enough so for now, I’ll be showing you a short preview through photos grabbed from my marvelous and gorgeous photographer friends:

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