Tag Archives: senyorita

Back from the City of Puerto Princesa

Just arrived from the beautiful city of Puerto Princesa three nights ago. I spent four days and three nights at the so-called “City Within the Forest” with my dear friends Ada and Shena. I was looking forward for the said trip due to the following reasons: 1.) We didn’t have concrete plans in mind 2.) We’re all first-timers and 3.) My dad once tried his luck in Puerto Princesa and even considered moving there to start a new life ten years ago.

Trying to punch away reality to live in a fantasy dream at Sabang Beach, Puerto Princesa, Palawan

Trying to punch away reality to live in a fantasy dream at Sabang Beach, Puerto Princesa, Palawan

I can say that the said trip to Palawan is the best trip ever. A lot of realizations were made and the beauty of the Philippines is much more appreciated. You would have thought that Underground River, which i can describe as ‘wonderfully weird’ร‚ย  is found in our very own country? Who would have thought that Puerto Princesa is really THAT big? Who would have thought we have such wonderful beaches that the foreign tourists loves? Who would have thought I’d rather choose Aegis over Paramore? Hahaha ๐Ÿ˜›

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The Birth of Senyorita – The Travel Blog of Micamyx

I am happy to announce that I am finally launching SENYORITA.net, my travel blog!


What’s with the domain name? Well, I bought the domain last year because I wanted to venture into beauty and fashion blogging. Being a woman working in a place full of vanity makes you want to improve yourself in terms of your physical beauty and the way you dress. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to update the blog. For a while, the said domain became my anonymous emo blog (blame it on the fact that I became jobless on Christmas season pft). I deleted all the entries as soon as I recovered from a week of depression LOL.

Just early this year, I tried my best to keep myself updated in terms of the latest kikay stuff such as make-up, lipgloss, hairstyle etc. Still, I didn’t pursue it because I am not really vain. Fashion blogging is also a no-no since I don’t really shop. Errr…. I actually hate shopping. Ok. Not hate. I’m just not fond of it.

This year, I’ve been to Pangasinan, La Union, Boracay and Cebu. I then thought of transforming Senyorita into a travel blog. Hey, why not? Senyorita means single woman anyway and what do most single ladies do? TRAVEL!

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Random Thoughts at 4 in the Morning

I’m currently listening to Gwen Stefani’s ‘4 in the Morning’ as I write this entry. It’s 3:56am as I type these words. That simply means that four minutes from now, it will be 4AM here in the Philippines. The time stamp of my blog is not accurate though LOL.

Shoot us and we'll shoot you!

Shoot us and we'll shoot you!

Last week, I went to Cebu with the Nyokers. The trip is very memorable for all of us. Photo walks, food tripping, camwhoring, emo moments, videoke, kimmy dora and much more. I want to blog about the said trip but sadly, the photos are not yet up. For the meantime, I’m just giving you an idea that I had fun with the last Cebu trip. If you want to know more, I will look into it.ร‚ย  I’ll get back to you. I’ll give you an update. RAWR! ๐Ÿ˜€

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