Tag Archives: dreams

On Waiting, Boredom and Lack of Inspiration

The other night, I met up with Ada to watch the new movie Suddenly It’s Magic. It’s been a long time since she last saw a Filipino film and this is a kilig movie. Most of the people watching were giggling everytime Marcus (Mario Maurer) does something sweet to Joey (Erich Gonzales).

Teleport Us to Mars! – Tammie Brown cartoon from http://heckyestammiebrown.tumblr.com

I enjoyed this movie because they were able to showcase some of the best spots in Ilocos Norte. We can’t help but calculate the travel time in every important scene toinks. I also enjoyed the scenes shot in Bangkok and Ayutthaya. I wasn’t able to explore Bangkok and Ayutthaya when I went to Thailand last February, and I am eager to go back.

But I can’t for now.

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One Rainy Friday Filled with Coffee-Related Dreams

At 3PM today, Maire and I met up in our favorite coffee shop. We were supposed to watch a movie with high school friends, but had to cancel it the last minute due to the heavy rain downpour. Earlier this afternoon, I rushed to the bank to pay for something very important.


Save Me

I remember feeling really stressed since I need to print something before I proceed to the bank. The internet shop is full of students playing computer games and I just begged the owner if I can use the internet for a few minutes to download the document I need to print. When she gave me the go signal, I immediately went to my inbox and downloaded the needed file. The woman in-charge of printing stuff transfered the file in a program and was about to print it when all of a sudden, the electricity was switched off. Brownout!

I wished that the electricity will be back real soon since I really need to print that document. I don’t want to postpone an important appointment since there is a tendency that the date will be moved to a later day. After five minutes, the lights are on. Woohoo!

I had my important document printed and made it to the bank fifteen minutes before it closed. I’m just glad that despite the challenges I’ve been through that day, I was able to do that important task. No rain and brownout can stop the bull!

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Inside a Four-Sided Room

Last month, I slept in seven rooms comfortably with expectations that I’m about to experience something new when I wake up. Don’t you just love that feeling of anticipation everytime you travel?

It’s been weeks since I arrived home from my trip. I am trying my very best to catch up with the backlogs and I guess I am slowly but surely putting these experiences into words. I am very thankful with every opportunity that comes my way and I love that feeling of independence.

Electric Fan

Don't give up on me.

Right now, I am blogging from my room, seated at the bed and I kind of dislike the fact that I am thinking too much about various stuff. First, my sleeping pattern is ruined again. I tried to sleep a few hours ago, but I woke up when the electric fan started to make unnecessary noise. I can imagine it yelling the words “Fix me!” to me as I stare at it. I think this electric fan is the most loyal yet the most abused thing here in my room. I use it everyday yet I rarely clean it.

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