Category Archives: Projects

PROJECT52WEEKS.COM – 52 Weeks, 52 Short Films

After acquiring my very own Panasonic DMC-LX3 as a Christmas gift to myself, I started my very own photoblog at Tumblr called LX3 Moments, wherein I will be posting one photo a day with a corresponding information about the photo. It is a known fact in the bloggers that photo hobbyist started with their own Project 365 Days.

Micamyx's Project52Weeks starts now!

Micamyx's Project52Weeks starts now!

Want to know the real reason why I chose the LX3 instead of buying another type of camera? I love it because it is handy, easy to use and I can possibly take HD clips. I am not a professional photographer. In fact, I don’t even plan to put watermarks on my photos (unless maybe if i am not as lazy as I am today). I simply want a good camera. That’s it.

Ok, enough of that πŸ˜› Just last week, I mentioned to a friend that I am planning to start with my own online video blogging project. My aim for this one is to shoot at least one short film using my Panasonic DMC-LX3. I want it to be on-the-spot and spontaneous. I bought the domain right away and launched the site last Sunday πŸ˜›

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What’s in store for The 12th of June?

Last January, I produced and directed my first ever short film called Kuya Bunso. The story evolves around two siblings named Jess (Jehzeel Laurente) and Jackie (Cai Abbass). The eldest is a twenty something special child while the youngest is a goal-driven seventeen year old. I used the script I wrote for the Sinelab workshop I attended last year. I am happy with the outcome of the project because my blogger friends helped me out in terms of agreeing to do the film for free and for helping me out with the technicalities.

The 12th of June Poster designed by Alan Penilla

The 12th of June Poster designed by Alan Penilla

Three months ago, I wrote a script about a virtual assistant who is about to face her fears on a specific date. The title of the short film is The 12th of June. It is somewhat similar with one of my blog entries I wrote way back in June.

Eloisa, a virtual assistant at work portrayed by Jade Lopez

Eloisa, a virtual assistant at work portrayed by Jade Lopez

To be honest, I wrote the script at a coffee shop with a pen and paper. I was a bit emotional that day. Though the laptop can make things easier for me, nothing beats writing with the use of pen and paper especially when creative juices out of your angst starts pouring in.

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