Category Archives: EMO

When You’re Used To Being Alone

The photo below was taken thru self-timer. I have a nice and cozy room, right? This is my room at Microtel during my overnight stay in Baguio. I stayed in a room good for two yet I am the only one who occupied that big room.


Alone in a Hotel Room for Two – AGAIN

See, I am used to being alone – travelling, working, eating and all other tasks. I know a number of people who would rather stay in one place with someone than ride a bus or take the plane alone. I also know a number of individuals who would rather bring baon or not eat at all than to eat alone in public. I can pinpoint some people at the workplace or in school who would rather work with other people than do some tasks alone. I am the exception to all these.

Doing things on my own gives me the sense of accomplishment. I feel like I am independent and that I can function by myself. I learned not to depend on other people for me to be productive. Past experiences also taught me not to do things solely for one person. If you want to do something, do not let a certain person push you up or pull you down. Of course, a little inspiration will help, but depending on someone all the time will mess up things later on. Believe me.

Ok, I can rant and rant about being alone here and how good I am on handling it. But I have a confession to make:

I’m so tired of being alone – literally.

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PENTHOUSE – The Place I Once Called Home

Today is Easter Sunday. I bet most of my readers are sleeping as I type this entry at 3AM. I’m not yet sure if i’ll be taking the 3:30 AM bus trip to Manila or the 4AM or 5 or 6. I blame my work schedule on why I have to leave Dagupan City on a Sunday.


Guess who spent 15 years of her life living in that penthouse?

See, i had no plans of going back here in Dagupan last week. I decided five hours before I left Manila that I will be spending my Holy Week break in a nice hotel in the Bangus City. It was my dream since I was a kid that at least I try to stay here even just for one night and now it feels good that I finally fulfilled that plan of mine.

Most of my Dagupan-based friends asked me why I didn’t go to our house. Well, Lolo and Lola went to Naga for the yearly reunion of the Santamaria’s. I never had the chance to visit their new place (they moved out just this January) and yes, I don’t have a key so how can I enter in the house? 😛

Yesterday afternoon, I decided to have my very own version of Dagupan Photowalk. It was only now that I appreciate every little detail in this city through the photos I took. Now I see the old buildings which was never revamped after the 1990 earthquake, the ruins caused by the different typhoons that struck the city and all the other details that I would rather not elaborate here. Let us just say that I didn’t really explore Dagupan City that much.

Then I went back to our old house/school.

If you are thinking that I used to live inside a University campus, well, you’re right.

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