Tag Archives: house

PENTHOUSE – The Place I Once Called Home

Today is Easter Sunday. I bet most of my readers are sleeping as I type this entry at 3AM. I’m not yet sure if i’ll be taking the 3:30 AM bus trip to Manila or the 4AM or 5 or 6. I blame my work schedule on why I have to leave Dagupan City on a Sunday.


Guess who spent 15 years of her life living in that penthouse?

See, i had no plans of going back here in Dagupan last week. I decided five hours before I left Manila that I will be spending my Holy Week break in a nice hotel in the Bangus City. It was my dream since I was a kid that at least I try to stay here even just for one night and now it feels good that I finally fulfilled that plan of mine.

Most of my Dagupan-based friends asked me why I didn’t go to our house. Well, Lolo and Lola went to Naga for the yearly reunion of the Santamaria’s. I never had the chance to visit their new place (they moved out just this January) and yes, I don’t have a key so how can I enter in the house? 😛

Yesterday afternoon, I decided to have my very own version of Dagupan Photowalk. It was only now that I appreciate every little detail in this city through the photos I took. Now I see the old buildings which was never revamped after the 1990 earthquake, the ruins caused by the different typhoons that struck the city and all the other details that I would rather not elaborate here. Let us just say that I didn’t really explore Dagupan City that much.

Then I went back to our old house/school.

If you are thinking that I used to live inside a University campus, well, you’re right.

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