Tag Archives: Random

Bulleted List of Random Thoughts at 8:30 AM

* It’s 8:30 AM as I type this entry. I haven’t slept yet. Blame it on my weird body clock. I am not working as a call center or virtual assistant yet, but I am already having problems with my sleeping schedule. A friend of mine advised me to wake up at 12pm even if I get to sleep at around 10am. I will try that out. I’ve also heard that fuegoquads.com has some great cannabis products that might help with sleep, so I might try those too. I need to help my body get back to regular programming LOL.

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This is My December

December is the month when Jesus Christ was born. December is the month where students get their much needed break from school. December is the month of the year where are lot of people give and receive gifts and praises. December is the month where blah blah eklavu chenes chenes 😀


As I type this entry, there is a small christmas tree infront of me. I remember when I was a little girl, I was fascinated with Christmas lights and Christmas trees. My parents would laugh at me whenever we pass by the streets of Manila and I say “Wow! Ilaw Ilaw!” to show my appreciation with the colorful christmas lights. I used to demand that I’ll be the one to put the big star at the top of the Christmas tree no matter how tall it is.

As years passed by, the christmas tree in our house got smaller and smaller. Why? Hmmm… the big, old christmas tree was broken due to the typhoon way back in 1998 so there. We managed to buy and maintain a smaller one.


Did your parents also fooled you about Santa Clause? Well, I belong to the group! I just can’t help but laugh whenever I remember for how long I did believe that the fat man with red costume existed in real life.

I only found out that the real Santa Clause is lolo when I was 10 years old – Yes, TEN YEARS OLD! Who told me about it? My yaya.

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Random Adventures Before November Ends

The last week of November 2008 is memorable for me for a number of reasons. I had a number of ups and downs. The important thing there is I learned a number of lessons:

Sunday – It was a very memorable Sunday. I was alone in the house the whole day and I didn’t even bother going out. Why? I had to save money. I bought Century Tuna’s Bangus in-a-can and ate it for lunch and dinner. My Sundays are usually spent outside the house, but not this time. I ended up watching random shows on TV.

Monday – It was a Monday. I decided to write my daily expenses and it was only now that I realized that I am spending almost 150 a day for me to survive in the City of Makati. And I have 250 in my wallet.

Tuesday –  I received two coupons from my Secret Santa. The first coupon didn’t mention any freebie, but since I only have Php 60 in my wallet, I assumed that I’ll be getting a pasta. The second one is cookies. Since Winston received the same e-coupon, we decided to meet up for dinner. Both of us were really hungry and yep, we don’t have enough money to survive in the big city LOLZ so we went there HOPING we’d eat Pasta for dinner.

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