Category Archives: Women

The Lovely Transition of Lovi Poe

I admit it. I didn’t like her when i first saw her on TV. I even raised my left eyebrow when I found out that she’ll be launched as a singer. PR write ups referring to her often mention that she is the daughter of ‘Da King’ and yes, the advantage of getting instant fame.

Left: Lovi Poe in 2006 for Bakekang; Right: As Serafina in Temptation Island (2011)

All the news programs were interested about her and she was even chosen to play the role of Kristal in the TV version of Bakekang, where she shared the limelight with Yasmien Kurdi as her ugly twin sister Charming and Sunshine Dizon playing the title role.

Ok, maybe the real reason i don’t like her is that she is often spotted with Cogie Domingo that time and they even starred in one Love to Love series LOL. Once upon a time, I was Cogie Domingo’s biggest fan.

For me, this girl lacked charisma. She’s just the daughter of a legendary icon in the Philippines. That’s all she is. That’s all.

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‘Acoustic Princess’ By Princess Velasco (with Music Videos)

Princess Velasco is dubbed as the ‘Acoustic Princess‘ in the Philippine Music Scene. It was just less than two years ago when I blogged about me attending Princess Velasco’s mall tour at SM Megamall for her first album ‘Addicted to Acoustic’. Just a few months after, she released her Addicted to Acoustic 2 . Now, she’s out with her third one!

Princess Velasco dolled up for the Acoustic Princess album pictorial

Time flies really fast. It was just like yesterday when we were working at the same room for the Marketing Department of a company. πŸ˜€ I really learned a lot from her in terms of work and life. She is a corporate expert and versatile performer rolled into one! πŸ˜€

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Why I Love Jade Lopez – The Real Survivor!

STARSTRUCK BATCH 1: They dreamed, believed and survived!

STARSTRUCK BATCH 1: They dreamed, believed and survived!


Yes I really am! I was one of those high school students who got hooked and thrilled with the very first reality-based artista search in the Philippines. I was one of those internet addicts who would regularly post in forums and Yahoo Groups just to keep in touch with co-fanatics. You can ask me some information about them and there is a big chance that I’d give you the right answer.

I am not really sure if you are a regular viewer of the show, but some of its popular graduates of the first batch include Jennylyn Mercado, Mark Herras, Yasmien Kurdi, Rainier Castillo, Katrina Halili, Tyron Perez and Cristine Reyes.

Although the 14 Starstruck finalists were all talented and good-looking, there’s this one girl whom I really liked among the rest. Her name is Jade Lopez.

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