Tag Archives: trips

On Turning 25 and Other Concerns

I am suffering from mild headache as I type this entry here in my ‘office’. I slept at 3AM, woke up at 12noon for lunch with my grandparents and went back to bed at 2PM. My supposed short nap was extended to four hours. I think oversleeping is the cause of this sudden headache of mine. I thought that a Jollibee meal and a dose of my favorite Iced Mocha can cure me. I guess I’m wrong.

Smooth-sailing at 25.Γ‚

Heavy rain. I want to buy medicine, but the rain is making me lazy. I just finished a Mother’s Day post and the fact that I have a lot of travel-related backlogs makes me want to hit my head on the wall. How can I not blog about these wonderful memories from the past months?

Now that I am stuck here, I will just write and write and write whatever hits my head.

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Random Thoughts of a Lakwatsera

I am here right now at the internet station of Lavender Lodge at 12:33AM. I didn’t bring my laptop with me this time that’s why I am happy that they’re letting their guests to use the computers for free. πŸ™‚

While I fixed some of my things earlier, I realized that I have a number of trips to look forward to. It’s quite funny since I made a promise to myself last April that I will try not to book more flights since I need to save up for my trip to somewhere close to my family. But I think I am really destined to travel a lot this year so there πŸ˜›

On our way to Mt. Kinabalu Photo By Winston

On our way to Mt. Kinabalu Photo By Winston

I am here right now in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia with Winston and Xef. It’s our third and last night here and I really had a blast. I can say though that I still prefer the island hopping tours in Palawan and Boracay. The whole feel of Kota Kinabalu reminds me much of Puerto Princesa. The people here are nice too. I noticed that there’s a lot of westerners here and it’s nice to actually see them roam around and explore.

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