Tag Archives: realizations

When a Sleepy Head Doodles

Even if i have a laptop with me where i can keep soft copies of my thoughts, i still keep a number of notebooks with me. Ever since I was in elementary, I have this habit of reusing some of my school notebooks for doodling. If ever you saw a notebook with my name on it but there’s no doodle at the back, most probably that is not mine.

After the surprise kiddie party my friends prepared for me on my twenty third birthday, i managed to write a doodle on my ‘notebook of the month’. With my red ballpen that I use for proofreading, i wrote some of the things i want to do now that i am 23 years old. There’s something special about turning twenty three and i can’t really explain why. I remember a blogger friend from Livejournal telling me when I was 18 that my 23rd year in planet earth will be a very exciting one. I won’t tell on which specific part of my life that will be, but your guess is as good as mine.

Want to see the doodle? Ok here it is LOL:

Sleepy Mica Doodles

(Forgive me with my poor penmanship. I iz sleepy LOL)

What I wrote there is not arranged in chronological order, but let me explain every point LOL.

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