Tag Archives: Friends

Cebu City: My Comfort Zone

Ayala Terraces Cebu at Night

Ayala Terraces Cebu at Night – The Only Tourist Photo I took

“I’m sure ilalagay mo sa blog mo na this is your pang-ilang chorva trip to Cebu sa Micamyx!” Sinjin said in jest as we watch Vhong Navarro’s controversial Buzz ng Bayan Interview.

Well, Sinjin’s right. This trip counts as my nth time in Cebu City. In the past five years, I’ve visited Cebu countless times. I’ve lost count!

Why did I visit Cebu this time? I don’t really know. Do I need a reason?

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One Rainy Friday Filled with Coffee-Related Dreams

At 3PM today, Maire and I met up in our favorite coffee shop. We were supposed to watch a movie with high school friends, but had to cancel it the last minute due to the heavy rain downpour. Earlier this afternoon, I rushed to the bank to pay for something very important.


Save Me

I remember feeling really stressed since I need to print something before I proceed to the bank. The internet shop is full of students playing computer games and I just begged the owner if I can use the internet for a few minutes to download the document I need to print. When she gave me the go signal, I immediately went to my inbox and downloaded the needed file. The woman in-charge of printing stuff transfered the file in a program and was about to print it when all of a sudden, the electricity was switched off. Brownout!

I wished that the electricity will be back real soon since I really need to print that document. I don’t want to postpone an important appointment since there is a tendency that the date will be moved to a later day. After five minutes, the lights are on. Woohoo!

I had my important document printed and made it to the bank fifteen minutes before it closed. I’m just glad that despite the challenges I’ve been through that day, I was able to do that important task. No rain and brownout can stop the bull!

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Lazy Sunday afternoon in Cebu

It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon here in Cebu City. I woke up a bit early because of the breakfast call and went back to bed after checking my online accounts. Blame it on my current accommodation for making me feel lazy today.

It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon in Cebu

I am seated right now in an outdoor coffee shop here somewhere in Ayala Cebu waiting for my friends to come. I visit Cebu at least twice or thrice a year and the funny thing there is I often go here not for the beaches and other adventurous activities outside the city proper, but because of the friends I met here. I am willing to book roundtrip tickets just to go here.

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