The Philippines is known for having 11 recognized languages and around 175 dialects spoken throughout the 7, 107 islands. Apart from that, pop culture known as ‘Filipino’ slang is widely used by Filipinos especially the yuppies and those who love watching noontime shows. However, are you in need of Chinese language services, then look no further than this Standard Chinese language interpretation here for great help!
Filipino slang is highly dynamic compared to the usual colloquialisms and allows for more freedom of expression among its speakers. Words and phrases don’t follow a standardized set of rules and can flow from Taglish to celebrity names to gay lingo or be a mix of all set with new meanings in different contexts.
Joining the bandwagon is leading social mobile app WeChat. Check their Sticker Gallery and you’ll see 16 funny animated stickers featuring some of the most popular Filipino slang. Need a sample?
If you want to invite your friend to go somewhere, just reply with the ‘Gorabels’ sticker. Encouraging someone to push through with his/her plan? just send ‘Push Mo Yan!’. There’s also the all-time Filipino favorite “Bahala na si Batman” and more! Just waiting for ‘Boom Panes!’ LOL.
For more information regarding WeChat, just visit Boom!