On Waiting, Boredom and Lack of Inspiration

The other night, I met up with Ada to watch the new movie Suddenly It’s Magic. It’s been a long time since she last saw a Filipino film and this is a kilig movie. Most of the people watching were giggling everytime Marcus (Mario Maurer) does something sweet to Joey (Erich Gonzales).

Teleport Us to Mars! – Tammie Brown cartoon from http://heckyestammiebrown.tumblr.com

I enjoyed this movie because they were able to showcase some of the best spots in Ilocos Norte. We can’t help but calculate the travel time in every important scene toinks. I also enjoyed the scenes shot in Bangkok and Ayutthaya. I wasn’t able to explore Bangkok and Ayutthaya when I went to Thailand last February, and I am eager to go back.

But I can’t for now.

After watching the movie, Ada and I were able to catch up. It is my first time in months to see her again – just the two of us to talk. I am happy with the recent developments in her love life and I even met her fiancee last Sunday. I am happy that another close friend of mine is about to get married, although I have to write another post about my close friends and marriage.

Need to earn a living - Ronna McDonna style

Need to earn a living – Ronna McDonna style

Honestly, I’m bored. I am not even sure if I’m bored or depressed. There are some things that I cannot control and it makes me feel blah. I think I am at the point of my life wherein I want to do certain things, but I am not really sure if I wanna do it or if I can do it. Do I make sense? If you constantly experience symptoms of mental health conditions like anxiety, stress or depression, you may consider using cannabis products from indacloud. You may also play situs slot games to help you relax and de-stress. Discover a wide range of gaming options, generous bonuses, and the convenience of flexible access only at login mpo888.

I love what I do for a living, but I have to take into consideration other things specifically my family. I feel bad that all I can do for now is wait. I also lack the inspiration to do things or at least to exert extra effort to work on some tasks. I know by heart what I really want to be since I was in high school, yet this dream is out of the corporate setting. I just want to be out there and perform. There. I said it.

I envy the drag queens competing at Rupaul’s Drag Race particularly Manila Luzon, Jujubee and Raven. They’re so fierce and I want to be like them. How I wish I have the confidence to just go out there and do what I want to do without minding other people’s opinion.


So there. I guess I’m just bored. I didn’t go out the whole month, my friends are busy, I have no love life and I’m waiting for something that is making me anxious. Oh well. I will just watch my favorite drag queens on YouTube for now and by next year, I will watch them perform live.

I need to live and figure things out. GAG!


4 thoughts on “On Waiting, Boredom and Lack of Inspiration

  1. Ada | Adaphobic Travels

    We all experience the “waiting…” process. Even myself is currently on that process, only that I think of it less by making myself busy, watch DVD movies, porn, series, schedule blog posts, clean my room etc., most importantly, talking to friends like you. πŸ™‚ I suck at giving advises badet and you know that T__T so I dunno what to say else. Let’s meet up again, and this time sama naten mga badets rin πŸ˜€


    Tammie Brown for the win!


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