Tag Archives: rockeoke monday

Nuffnang PH’s Rockeoke Night with Tim and Ming!

Thank God It’s Monday! I was invited by my friends from NuffnangPH to meet Tim and Ming, the young founders of Nuffnang, the leading blog advertising network in Asia! Since most of the Nuffies are Rockeoke regulars at Mag:Net High Street on Mondays (paging Kel, Carlos and Judd!), no wonder they decided to make the first night of Tim and Ming in the Philippines extra special by letting them act like a rockstar even just for a night.

Carlos The Rakista

How do Nuffies do the Rock 'n Roll? Let Carlos teach you lah..

I went there at 10PM (Failed to drink Margarita with them at Agave – Boo!) and as expected, everyone is ready with their song. I will simply present a photostory for you to have an idea on what happened that Nuffy Monday 😛

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