Tag Archives: pocholo gonzales

Singing Blogger and Micamyx at Pinoy Popcast Episode 2!

Sometime last month, Jeff a.k.a. Singing Blogger and I recorded a song together. Well, we were not really together inside a room, but I was able to record my vocals and I sent it to him through ym. He did the editing stuff and viola! we have our own version of Careless Whisper!

Micamyx and Singing Blogger

When the song was “released” online, a lot of people were wondering if we met up prior to that recording. Just saw him twice (Tv5 Videoke and Ipanema) and we only managed to say hi and hello. I am really a fan of his eversince I heard his version of Angels so there 😛

Thanks to Pinoy Popcast, Jeff and I finally met up last week and recorded a song together!

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