Tag Archives: online diary

The Birth of Senyorita – The Travel Blog of Micamyx

I am happy to announce that I am finally launching SENYORITA.net, my travel blog!


What’s with the domain name? Well, I bought the domain last year because I wanted to venture into beauty and fashion blogging. Being a woman working in a place full of vanity makes you want to improve yourself in terms of your physical beauty and the way you dress. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to update the blog. For a while, the said domain became my anonymous emo blog (blame it on the fact that I became jobless on Christmas season pft). I deleted all the entries as soon as I recovered from a week of depression LOL.

Just early this year, I tried my best to keep myself updated in terms of the latest kikay stuff such as make-up, lipgloss, hairstyle etc. Still, I didn’t pursue it because I am not really vain. Fashion blogging is also a no-no since I don’t really shop. Errr…. I actually hate shopping. Ok. Not hate. I’m just not fond of it.

This year, I’ve been to Pangasinan, La Union, Boracay and Cebu. I then thought of transforming Senyorita into a travel blog. Hey, why not? Senyorita means single woman anyway and what do most single ladies do? TRAVEL!

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