Tag Archives: globe tattoo tips

Globe Tattoo Broadband: Perfect For Your Blogging Needs!

A few months ago, I was ‘kidnapped’ together with other bloggers by Globe. We originally thought we have to attend a formal press launch of Globe’s latest service since they required us to ‘dress to impress’, but we were surprised when they asked us to ride in the van and we all headed to a bar somewhere in Makati for the launch of Globe Tattoo. It was a fun-filled event wherein some prizes were given away.

Globe Tattoo

One of the highlights of the event is the launch of Globe Tattoo Broadband. A few weeks after, some of my blogger friends got their own wireless broadband and so far, the reviews from them are good including one from Blogie Robillo, who is a blogger based in Davao. He is satisfied with Globe Tattoo Broadband since he was able to install the USB without much effort and you can use it not only in Metro Manila, but even in Mindanao! He also gave the following tips:

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