Dolphins — A Tablas Island Attraction

Dolphins are fascinating creatures. They’re mammals in fish form. If you’ve watched movies like Flipper, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The Incredible Mr. Limpet, among other Hollywood films that feature the beloved dolphin, you’ve probably developed a delight and fascination for these marine mammals by now. Dolphins are intelligent, playful, they love being around and interacting with humans, and they also look adorable.

Thus, whenever dolphins are sighted, kids and adults alike are always delighted by their presence. Dolphins always bring a certain feeling of happiness, and their playfulness is always contagious.

If you want to see dolphins up close, you may find that you’d need to visit a ocean theme park. But if you want to see one, even a pack of them, in the wild, you may find that you can bump into them in most waters of the Philippines.

An excellent spot to find dolphins is in Tablas Island, Romblon. As you can see in the video, the dolphins are more than happy to regale their human audience with their leaps and somersaults from the sea.

If you live in an island like Tablas Island in Romblon, Guimaras, Boracay, Bohol, you may find that marine life would be accessible for you to visit. So if you live in the landlocked cities of Metro Manila, Metro Davao, Metro Cebu, and even Metro Iloilo, you may not be able to enjoy the presence of these beautiful creatures up close, and regularly.

If you’re still in your 20’s and starting your career, now is the time to start thinking about retirement. Yes, now. Don’t be like the generations before you who allow their lives to string themselves along and they find that by the time they retire, they have nothing. Prepare for retirement, then when you’re ready, consider retirement villages like Sunset Villas in Tablas Island.

Sunset Villas is a retirement community built for foreigners on Tablas Island. It’s a posh, sustainable-living, eco-lifestyle community developed by Chris Bech, Will Irwin, and other partners. Living in this retirement community not only treats you to paradise island living, but also gives you a chance to make your lifestyle healthier, as produce from the Tablas Highlands Organic Farm is delivered to the community everyday. So if you’re someone who’s thinking about leaving the urban lifestyle, this is a retirement option you can consider.

Chris Bech and Will Irwin have made pains to ensure that eco-living in Sunset Villas does not compromise modern needs. The houses are built to specifications, and are sturdy, well-designed and worth every dollar you will invest into it. The partners have also taken pains to ensure that transportation will not be a problem for residents. Indeed, you have to hand it over to Will Irwin and Chris Bech, for their remarkable foresight and for keeping their residents’ and future residents’ well-being in mind.

If you’re not a foreigner but a Filipino who’s really craving to leave the urban lifestyle, there are better, more affordable options for you, as it’s easier to buy and own land as a Filipino. Choose a good spot to hole up in, like a quiet island like Bohol, Guimaras or Tablas Island, find a way to buy land, build yourself a house, and bring yourself near the beautiful dolphins who grace the islands.

The beauty of being near nature’s wonders like the playful, intelligent dolphin is that they heal a weary soul. Creatures were probably created to comfort man. And making choices to bring yourself near these natural soul-restorers will be something you will never regret.


This is a Guest Post by Oliver James Berba


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