Life Wish – The Edge of Fear and Joy

Death is a subject that most people wouldn’t want to talk about or rather, think about. As much as possible, we would like to avoid discussing it. In reality, we cannot even predict our own death. It is something that we cannot control. There are different types of death, but untimely death is one that gives us too much shock and we can’t even figure out how we can possibly move on.

DO the DanO and live it up... Life is too short not to!

“Dearest Emma, my love for you is higher than the highest of peaks! Love, Dad,” right above where is says “DON’T LET YOUR FEARS STAND IN THE WAY OF YOUR DREAMS.”

– Dan Osman poster message to daughter Emma.

Earlier, a Facebook contact of mine shared a video about Dan Osman. The name is quite familiar, but i am not sure why. I clicked on the YouTube link and wow, this man is amazing! How can he possibly do that speed rock climbing without ropes and safety gear? I then remember that my father showed a newspaper clipping to me way back, but i couldn’t exactly remember if he’s a fan or he simply wanted to show it to me.

Dan Osman or Bruce Lee? πŸ˜›

When I searched for his Wikipedia page, I found out that Dan Osman passed away in 1998 and the cause of his death has something to do with what he loved doing – Rope Jumping at the Yosemite National Park. I got more curious that’s why I searched for some of his old photos and videos performing his extreme stunts. His daughter named Emma was twelve years old when he passed away.

Dan Osman playing Monopoly with daughter Emma

Instead of sulking or feel hatred like what most kids do, Emma Osman would rather remember her dad’s legacy. According to some of Dan Osman’s friends, he was a good man and lived a bohemian lifestyle – a brave thing to do during his time. She even created a Facebook page as a tribute to her dad and for the supporters to know him on the personal level.

I was able to find Dan Osman’s Last Fatal Jump on YouTube and although his death is something that shocked the whole world, you cannot deny the fact that he is already a legend when it comes to all the aspects of Climbing. He is the inspiration of extreme climbers nowadays.

When asked about his ‘death wish’, he often answers that he doesn’t have any. He does have a ‘life wish’ though. There is a saying among climbers “DO the DanO” and live it up… Life is too short not to!”. Although he lived a short life (he died at age 36), no doubt that he lived his life to the maximum by doing the things he loved to do. At least he lived up his dream no matter how extreme it is!

Dan Osman and his bohemian persona

I am currently in the stage of my life wherein I am quite torn between stuff that has something to do with how to live my life. I was once worried about not making it in Manila (I’ll discuss this in another blog post). It’s funny to think that I have different goals now that I am 24 years old. I do have my fears now in terms of financial stability, but knowing that I am doing something related to my dreams make me stronger. Doing what I do right now is not really easy, but i am taking the risk. I’d rather have an unstable but meaningful life that not live at all.

Dan Osman on the Edge of Fear and Joy

You know what’s my biggest fear? Being stuck in a place and deprived of making my dreams come true. Life is short and we’ll never know when is ‘the day’. Better live life to the fullest like DanO, another legendary icon who just inspired me to keep on going πŸ™‚

I better print a DanO photo and post it on my wall (real one, not the Facebook wall!).

Photo Credits: Dan Osman by Emma Osman Facebook Page


15 thoughts on “Life Wish – The Edge of Fear and Joy

  1. flip

    πŸ™‚ great post… his statement got stuck in my head, “Ò€œDONÒ€ℒT LET YOUR FEARS STAND IN THE WAY OF YOUR DREAMS.Ò€ thanks for sharing…

  2. Marky

    I’m a fan of Dan Osman as well. I remember his death was a hot topic during my mountaineering days and his life touched those wanting to live life to the fullest it was just unfortunate that a freak accident cut short his amazing life

  3. helen

    love this line, mica: “IÒ€ℒd rather an unstable but meaningful life that not live at all.”
    I hope you find that happy place where your dreams can park , run free, and come true! whee. πŸ˜€

    This guy named Dan also reminds me of the guy in 127 Hours. Risk takers! Woot!

  4. Shane Oh

    just wanted to say thanks for posting this. I’m working with emma on this fluid project and we were both excited about seeing this blog post.

  5. Christian Hollingsworth

    You have some lovely thoughts here. You’re right. How sad would it be if you couldn’t strive to live your dream?! That would be a terribly sad place – and I wouldn’t want to be there at all.

  6. Micamyx Post author

    @Helen – Thanks dear πŸ™‚ Yun din naalala ko when I saw his videos. πŸ™‚

    Kai and Lester – Thank you πŸ™‚

    @Shane Oh – Hi Shane! Thank you so much for commenting on my blog! Send my regards to Emma πŸ™‚ Tell her that when she needs help for the promotions and stuff, i am willing to help πŸ™‚

    @Christian – I agree with you. I’m glad that in a way, we’re both working hard to make our dreams come true – in our very own ways hehe πŸ˜› Love you blog, btw πŸ™‚

  7. Pingback: The Beautiful Possibilities of Simplicity

  8. Ed

    Im just speechless at this Mica. I know I do crazy stunts but this one is truly exceptional. I agree that one should just focus on the positive things when he was still alive. Awesome. I’m still out of breath seeing the video. Thanks for sharing this inspiring story Mica! πŸ˜€

  9. Marlie

    DanO inspires me every day to focus on the positive, and keep pushing my limits. Thank you Emma and Mica!

  10. journeyingjames

    IÒ€ℒd rather have an unstable but meaningful life than not live at all. -love this quote.

    heard about him just today, thanks for sharing.
    asteeg ng ginagawa nya. lufffet nung youtube/


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