On Watching Ice Age 3 in Full 3D and Flippish Launch Party

I had a very stressful Thursday. I remember waking up at the wrong side of the bed and deleting a number of spam on one of my newly-launched blogs. I did a number of articles at work and I had a feeling that the boss will ask us to do more writing stuff so I left right away leaving my office mates behind ๐Ÿ˜›

Ice Age 3 Launch at Trinoma Cinema

Ice Age 3 Launch at Trinoma Cinema

The naughty kiddo went straight to the MRT station to go to Trinoma and attend the launch of ร‚ย Ice Age 3 at Trinoma Cinema. As expected, a lot of kids and kids at heart were at the venue taking photos with some of the mascots. I wanted to have a photo taken with Goin’ Bulilit star Mica dela Cruz, but I failed ๐Ÿ˜

To be completely honest, it was only my second time to catch a movie at Trinoma Cinema. The first one was last November 1 with two of my Nyok friends. It was my first time to watch the movie Ice Age (in short, I didn’t catch the first two installments teehee) and Thank God I don’t really need to review the past films. It was also my first time to watch a movie in Full 3D. Cool, huh?!

Lucky me for watching a movie that night with some of my blogger friends! The theatre is just made of awesome. No wonder politicians and celebrities love to go there to relax and watch a movie. They can also reserve some seats in advance via Sure Seats.

Flippish Official Launch Party!

Flippish Official Launch Party!

After watching a film supposedly intended for kids, I went straight to Fiamma Bar at Makati for the Official Launch Party of Flippish, the first Pinoy online video channel.

Ed, Aaron, Kring and LA

Ed, Aaron, Kring and LA

I’ve been watching some of their shows and shorts since early this year and I can really say that they’re doing a great job. My favorite show is Direk, which is led by Funnysexy herself Kring Elenzano (now I wonder if she got her name from Cristina ‘Kring’ Gonzales?). She is the star, the writer, the editor and director. Ikaw na. Ang haggard araw-araw LOL.

Some of the other VIP’s were also introduced that night and Roxanne Barcelo served as the host of the night. She happened to do an episode for Xandy, but for some reason I can’t disclose, the succeeding episodes were never posted. Why can’t I disclose the reason? Di ko alam eh wehehe ๐Ÿ˜›

Alan, Me, Shena and Aaron

Alan, Me, Shena and Aaron

It also happened that they’re scheduled to release new shows like Brain Freeze and Urban Legend. Exciting, huh?

With Flippers (?) Aaron and Ed

With Flippers (?) Aaron and Ed

All in all, it was an awesome night. I had the chance to bond with some of my blogger friends whom I truly miss and I realized that Kring should do a 2Ne1 Fire spoof on her next video ๐Ÿ˜› And yeah, I’m kinda ร‚ย disappointed because LA Lomarda didn’t perform his novelty hit onstage. T_T

Thanks to LA and Bong for the photos used at this very timang-ish blog entry ๐Ÿ˜€


4 thoughts on “On Watching Ice Age 3 in Full 3D and Flippish Launch Party

  1. Lizz

    I’ve been hearing pleasant things about IA3, lol. I should probably go see it! (I wasn’t planning on it since I didn’t really like the second one, haha.)


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