Tag Archives: Too Much Information

Information Overload and Procrastination

The end of August is fast approaching yet I only managed to blog once. This is not my normal blogging cycle here at my personal blog. I usually see to it that I blog at least once a week. It’s not that I am living a very boring life now. I attended a number of awesome events, went back to my hometown and bonded with my relatives from both sides, learned more about business from one of the best food franchise companies in the country who happens to be a family friend and a number of funny encounters are worth sharing. So why not update?


Tuloy-Tuloy ang daloy ng impormasyon. Kaloka lang.

I dunno. I guess I am just overwhelmed with Too Much Information. Do I blame technology for this? Partly. I also notice that now, I am quite impatient talking to a friend or a relative via phone or Skype. I seldom chat with people on my IM but I used to really enjoy it a lot. I can even chat with ten people from different IM softwares and still grasp whatever we’re discussing no matter how these points are different from one another.

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