Tag Archives: singapore

Before I Say Hello to Singapore…

It’s 2:05 in the morning (though my blog time stamp is not set well 😐 ) and I haven’t slept yet. I tried to get at least an hour of sleep, but I really can’t. I tried to pack all the things that I’ll be needing for the trip, but I kept on going back to the monitor.

Lolo: Are you the one and only culprit of the Pringles in the redbox crime?! Mica: I'm guilty. Peace Grandpa :D

Lolo: Where are you going? Mica: I'm going to Singapore, Lah!

I am used to last minute packing when I travel, but I know that this specific trip is extra special and somewhat a first for me. Actually, I still can’t believe up to this second that I’m about to go to Singapore to attend the Nuffnang Blog Awards.

For quite sometime, my grandparents and some of my nyok friends were forcing me to renew my passport, which expired last March 1999 (more than ten years ago!). The only country I went to is Hongkong in 1994 and I was just six or seven years old that time. I remember riding the Cathay Pacific plane and dreamt of having my own hotel exclusive for kids and an airline wherein the pilot and the stewardess are all kids. Ok, that’s a big headache if it came true.

Now I am 22 and just twelve hours ago, I claimed my renewed passport at the DFA office. I am quite amused with the fast service of DFA. Though I look terribly sleepy in my passport photo, I am more than happy to finally have it in my hands.

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Random Ramblings Before I Leave for Cebu

During my interview for Qtube Taken by Ada Lajara

During my interview for Qtube Taken by Ada Lajara

After more than a month, my Bloggers Digest feature at QTube was finally shown. I am really happy with the outcome of the feature since they showed some of my blogs like Micamyx (Personal), Myx Technology (Tech), Pinoy Fans Club (Entertainment), Patay Gutom (Food) and of course, Missing Carlo (Personal/Autism). The main reason why I got lots of readers at my i.ph way back is because of my daily thoughts on my brother, Carlo. Now I believe that he is really my lucky gem. Seeing our photos on tv just feels good and i’m no longer emo about it. I am happy because those who were able to watch it that knows Carlo personally said that it somewhat made them cry because they miss seeing our kulitan together. Btw, he is 5’6 tall according to mom πŸ˜›

Babalik sa Sugbu! (na naman!)

Babalik sa Sugbu! (na naman!)

For the third time this year, I am going to Cebu with Ada, Winston and some of the Manila bloggers who will be attending the first ever Philippine Blog Awards-Visayas. I am pretty excited about this since its a first for the Visayas bloggers and I think this is my chance for me to bond with most of them since I failed to do it the last time. I am also excited on who will win at the different categories specifically for the Reader’s Choice since most of the nominees are my friends like Byahilo, Sinjin, Kevin, Bryan Karl and McBilly. Waaaah kalokah kayo LOL. Cebu is also a special place for me since the place itself has the power to make or break my heart (go figure out what that means πŸ˜› ) and yeah, I am craving for Pochero and Lechon! Rawr!

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