Tag Archives: productivity tips

Dealing With Frustrations Productively

Why are you so lazy? Why are you so stubborn? Why are you frustrated?

I always put the blame on my zodiac sign every time someone points out how lazy turn out to be. I’d rather choose the word ‘Procrastinate’.

Time goes by so slowly for those who wait - Madonna, Hung Up
Time goes by so slowly for those who wait – Madonna, Hung Up

I always pinpoint my zodiac sign as the culprit on why I tend to procrastinate. I’ve been a bit unsatisfied the past few weeks because I feel like I haven’t done anything significant, yet I often impose too much pressure on myself to do better. Although I maintain a travel blog, there is a big misconception that I travel all the time and I rarely stay at home. That is not the case especially when I am in Metro Manila.

The reason on why I am feeling frustrated for months now has something to do with WAITING. No, I am not waiting for the love of my life (he’s on a year-long holiday break to whereverland). I am waiting for something important and this thing is stopping me from pursuing some of the things I’ve been planning to do.

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