Tag Archives: philips go gear mp3 player

Philips Go Gear Mp3 Player and Virtual Battle of the Bands

A few weeks ago, a number of bloggers were invited at the Philips Go Gear Launch at Bonifacio High Street. The rain didn’t stop the techy bloggers as they invade the place and as they check the coolest gadgets from Philips.

Philips Go Gear Mp3 Player

After eating Talangkanin for lunch and sipping coffee as we chill at the afternoon, we all went straight to the Philips Go Gear event. We finally saw the Philips Go Gear MP3 Player and we were all hoping to win at the raffle.

Ada of Adaphobic.com won at the raffle

Ada of Adaphobic.com won at the raffle

According to Ada who won a Philips Mp3 player, using the GoGear MP3 Player is one a kind sensation, you’ll feel the freedom thus reducing external noises. Isn’t that awesome?

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