Tag Archives: peter mancao

Experience the C2 Life! – The Best about C2 Life Music Video Contest *UPDATED*

Experience the C2 Life!

Experience the C2 Life!

“La la la la la la la la la…”

C2 recently came up with a contest at Multiply called The Best About C2 Life Music Video Contest. My dear friend Angelo Agojo, together with Peter Mancao came up with a fantastic music video shot in Manila and Cebu. Cebu-based blogger McBilly Sy is one of the stars of the video yay 😀

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First Time in Cebu Day 1: Hanging Out with the Boys

August 7, 2009 is a day of many firsts- my first Cebu Pacific Air ride, first time to meet Cebu-based friends and relatives and first time in Cebu!

Nico, Bong and Mica at NAIA Terminal 3

Nico, Bong and Mica at NAIA Terminal 3

Bong and I together with his friend Nico met up at NAIA terminal 3. They arrived way earlier that’s why I was seated far away from them T_T. Thank God we reached Mactan Airport on time. I was happy to see an anonymous driver waiting for me. A relative of mine which I haven’t met asked his driver to bring me to a friend’s house. I ate my brunch before sleeping for a few hours.

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