Tag Archives: Blog Conference

The 2nd Baguio Blog Conference Notes


I signed up for The 2nd Baguio Blog Conference weeks ago with selfish intentions. I wanted to attend so I have an excuse to leave Metro Manila for a few days and join Yoshke, who is assigned to talk about Travel Blogging. I traveled solo three years ago in Baguio City and it would be fun to go to the highlands with the not-really-poor traveler after our epic Culion trip.

The 2nd Baguio Blog Conference in Azalea Residences

The 2nd Baguio Blog Conference in Azalea Residences | Photo grabbed from AzaleaResidences

On the 7th of May, I find myself answering a message on Facebook if I can possibly be one of the speakers for the event. It is not my first time to speak in front of an audience, but its been years since I gave out a talk about blogging. When I gave my confirmation to the organizers, I can’t help but anticipate the bus trip to the Summer Capital of Luzon. I simply want to get out of Metro Manila and enjoy a cool weather while reading a book and pigging out!

My topic for the Baguio Blog Conference is Niche Blogging. It is humbling to remember how I started as a frustrated blogger from Dagupan City to owning a number of domains and eventually venturing to niche blogging. Looking back, I conclude that I am one crazy girl with lots of Paypal credits to spend. I kept on registering domains with no intentions of focusing on each platform. At least I learned from it 😀

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