Holidaying in style over the festive season

Sometimes it’s good to get away from it all over Christmas. By taking a well-earned vacation over the festive season, you can re-charge your batteries and prepare yourself for the new year ahead. If you’re planning a vacation on or around December 25th but haven’t decided where to go yet, here are some options, both close to home and further afield…

Ice bar

The traditional winter break

For the ultimate in Santa holidays, it has to be a trip to frosty Lapland. This icy wilderness lies hundreds of kilometers above the Arctic Circle and is the perfect place to spend a traditional winter break. It may sound like a fantasy, but for those who live below the Equator, it’s essential to spend at least one Christmas in the snow! And if you’re lucky, you’ll also get to witness the eerie majesty of the aurora borealis, or Northern Lights. This celestial light show is unlike anything else.

If you travel to the destination with kids, it’s well worth arranging a meeting with Santa. The resort of Yllas, which is thought to be one of the region’s oldest and most picturesque, offers these greeting sessions. Elsewhere, snowmobile through white forests, test your luck ice fishing, watch reindeer race across frozen lakes or mush with husky dogs. Log cabins make the perfect base for trips like these. At night, you can snuggle up around warm fires and reminisce about your daytime adventures.

Short-haul alternatives

Of course, freezing temperatures aren’t a prerequisite for Christmas vacations. If you fancy sun-soaked holiday somewhere a little more convenient, there are plenty of options. For example, this time of year is ideal for holidays to Langkawi in Malaysia. This north-western archipelago of islands boasts clear waters, pristine beaches and lush jungle. While there, you can enjoy snorkeling and diving trips, boat tours, bike rides before booking yourself a Christmas treat with a soothing massage in one of the many spas.

Another idyllic destination is Goa in India. This holiday spot is perfect for gastronomes. There is nothing quite like tucking into the rustic dishes served at the small seaside restaurants that sit right on Goa’s beaches. Given the natural beauty of this part of the world, complete with its palm trees, meandering rivers and waterfalls, it is little wonder that two million visitors make their way to the destination each year.

When it comes to traveling and indulging in the cuisine that is famous in a particular place, Connecticut offers a delightful experience for food enthusiasts. From quaint coastal towns to bustling cities, the state is known for its diverse culinary scene that showcases regional specialties and unique flavors. Whether you’re savoring freshly caught seafood in a charming seaside restaurant, exploring the vibrant food markets or want to have Italian food, Connecticut’s local cuisine is a culinary adventure waiting to be explored. So, if you’re a food lover seeking to immerse yourself in the authentic flavors of the region, Connecticut is the perfect destination to satisfy your cravings and indulge in the state’s delectable local cuisine.

Hoi an - Cua Dai Strand

If you’d prefer to head to Vietnam for your festive break, it’s worth checking out H?i An. This charming town features grand architecture and with minimal traffic and fewer visitors than the main haunts like Hanoi, it’s an ideal location for a restful Christmastime. In town, you can kick back in plush bars, and if you really want to get a flavor for the area, take part in cookery classes.

Whether you choose sunshine or snow for your Christmas holidays this year, an escape from the shopping crowds could be just what you need to wind down at the end of a busy year. With last minute bargains multiplying online at the moment, it’s never too later to plan a getaway as the festive season draws near…

Images by Ray Garcia and Martin Fisch, used under Creative Comms license.

* This is a Guest Post


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