A Saturday Full of Hotdogs, Shabu-Shabu and Iced Mocha

TGIS! Thank God It’s Saturday! Nah, I’m not talking about the teen-oriented show shown years ago Starring Angelu de Leon and Bobby Andrews as Peachy and Wacks. I am pertaining to the lovely Saturday I just had. I can say that I had a Patay Gutom Saturday after going to the 7-11 Bite Match Event, Mini Shabu-Shabu for Dinner and Krispy Kreme Greenhills for Dessert.

Why should you choose this hotdog over your boyfriend?

Why should you choose this hotdog over your boyfriend?

Though I only managed to sleep for thirty minutes, a lot of things happened and a very busy day is ahead of me. I tried to sleep at 10am and I managed to get up at10:30am since the 7-11 Bite Match event will start at 11am. I am surprised to see my grandfather on my way to the bathroom when I woke up LOL. I didn’t know that the grannies are here in the city to attend a Golden wedding anniversary. Awkward Moment 😐

After doing the *bibihis na ako at didiretso na ako ng rockwell kahit basa pa ang buhok ko at may muta pa ako*routine, I finally arrived at the venue and surprised to see a hotdog talking about why girls should choose hotdogs over their boyfriends. Hmmmm…

Tom "Goose" Gilbert with Paolo and Suzi

Tom "Goose" Gilbert with Paolo and Suzi

The 7-11 Bite Match launch was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Paolo and Suzi Abrera. The main protagonist of the event  is Tom “Goose” Gilbert, where he literally ate 10 hotdog buns in 3 minutes all by himself 😐 The press media and the bloggers were able to witness this and I was able to record the whole thing. Too bad I’m lazy to upload the video hehe πŸ˜€




Mica and Aaron with Coach Roach, The Goose and Manny Pakyaw!

Arthur asking for Tips :D

Arthur asking for Tips πŸ˜€

Errrr... What happened?!

Errrr... What happened?!

As usual, we ended up taking lots of photos, drinking slurpee and eating hotdogs. The professional eater is also approacheable and he even gave some tips to the wannabees. Honestly, I would love to see Jehzlau join the hotdog eating contest teehee. It’s about time to shine as a professional patay gutom! πŸ˜€

Aaron, Winston and I went straight to Robinson’s Galeria to watch a movie. This reminded me that I have to launch and update Pinoy Indie Films with the list of Cinemalaya 2009 entries. Tsktsk.

Shabu-Shabu Ingredients

Shabu-Shabu Ingredients

Winston taking some photos

Winston taking some photos

Shabu-Shabu for Dinner!

Shabu-Shabu for Dinner!

After watching a wonderful movie, we went straight to Greenhills and decided to eat at Mini Shabu-Shabu. I’ve been plurking and twitting about my need (ok fine, want) to try out Shabu-shabu once more, but the price is stopping me. Finally, we agreed to eat there and satisfy our shabu-shabu cravings. We managed to eat there for only Php400. Not bad πŸ˜€ For more information, kindly proceed to our Mini Shabu-Shabu Feature at Patay Gutom.

Bong at KK

Bong at KK

Winston at KK

Winston at KK

Winston and I went straight to Krispy Kreme Greenhills after to meet up with Bong, who looked like he’s having a withdrawal syndrome since they presently have no internet connection at home (poor kid LOL). We’re about to start a project soon yey πŸ˜€ We didn’t really go there to eat donuts. I drank my favorite Iced Mocha (as usual!). I had the chance to talk longer to Bong after waiting for his brother, Jason.

All in all, I had a busy yet happy Saturday. Sadly, the fact that i’ll be celebrating my father’s 5th year death anniversary the next day somewhat made me wish that he was still alive. Pft. No time for emo posts!


7-11 Bite Match

Mini Shabu-Shabu and Krispy Kreme GH


7 thoughts on “A Saturday Full of Hotdogs, Shabu-Shabu and Iced Mocha

  1. Lizz

    Ooh, shabu-shabu! I actually like the lamb shabu-shabu. Too bad it’s on the expensive side, hehe! (Though 400 for the 2 of you isn’t bad at all…)

  2. Ada

    Hindi ako kumakain ng red hotdogs, anung kulay yung hotdog na kinain niyo? hehe!
    Hindi pa ako nakatikim ng Shabu Shabu. πŸ™

  3. Joyceee

    wow, sayang i wasn’t there sa event. wanna see pa naman tom goose eat all those hotdogs! ^_^
    and it’s healthy shabu shabu pala. hehehe

  4. Micamyx Post author

    @Lizz – Haven’t tried the Lamb Shabu-Shabu yet. Will do if I have enough money haha πŸ˜€

    @Ada – Purple ata LOL

    @Joyceee – Grabe ang galing nya ^_^

    @dovs – Thank you πŸ™‚

    @Bryan Karl – Balik ka dito sa Manila mag shabu-shabu tayo πŸ˜€

    @Marocharim – LOL πŸ˜›


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