Tag Archives: Reconnect

The Need to Unplug to Reconnect

I went to Binalonan, Pangasinan last Saturday. It is a small town in the eastern part of Pangasinan. When I was a kid, I’d go there every summer vacation or on weekends. Most of my cousins in the mother side are based there and since majority were girls, we would play hide and seek and even pretend that we’re popstars or celebrities.

One of Gabriel and Josh’s Chipmunk Photobooth pics hehe 😀

I have to admit that I rarely go there now. I know that my Lolo Erning (my mom’s father) is longing to see me more often. I feel a bit guilty about this part since I travel often yet I always miss the chance to visit them.

When I arrived last Saturday, some of my relatives were excited to see me. They’ve been reading some of my blog entries and Facebook updates about the places where I’ve been. Even my pamangkins (nephews) are big boys now. How fast time flies!

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