Tag Archives: literacy

Every Kick Counts: A Click to Literacy

Books are not always the building blocks of education. In this modern age, learning can start with a single click.

Every Kick Counts http://www.everykickcounts.com

This is the principle that propelled Every Click Counts, an initiative spearheaded by dietary supplements global leader Nutrilite. As a brand in the business of improving people’s lives, this effort is Nutrilite’s contribution to support children’s literacy in the Philippines.

“Every Click Counts is Nutrilite’s way of reaching out to the community outside of its own,” says Joy Andres-Villareal, Product Manager of Nutrilite. “The Internet is a very powerful medium and there’s no better way to maximize its potential than to support an advocacy like this.

By logging on to the site www.everykickcounts.com, internet users around the globe can contribute $ 0.15 to the Amway One by One campaign, a project that promotes children’s welfare worldwide. This will be given to the country of the website visitor to support their chosen organization. In this case, Nutrilite will use the funds to aid Philippines One by One Campaign for Children which is geared towards increasing literacy among Filipino kids.

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